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A healthy diet plan is never a one-size-fits-all affair.

Internet tips don’t do much in the long term. What you need is an expert dietician to listen to your concerns & your requirements. And then come up with a diet plan that can actually help.

But why can’t I just continue following online tips?

Well, here’s why :

  • What works for others may not work for you:  All Bodies are different; dieticians can design a more personalized plan for your needs. 

  • The Internet can’t spot deficiencies: It’s hard to tell on your own whether you have a balanced diet. A dietitian can help you uncover what your diet lacks.

  • A good dietitian doesn’t just help you figure out what to eat, 
    They help change your relationship with food— Help you portion it, modify it, and enjoy it more!

So, what now? Worry no more! Deepa Kabra is here to help.

Here’s what you can do now

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