• Keep a food diary to track your eating habits. Chew your food slowly and mindfully. Take smaller bites.
  • If you have hypothyroid, avoid eating raw crucifers like broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, or lettuce that contains goitrogen that hinders the uptake of iodine. Cook or steam these veggies thoroughly before consuming them.
  • Stop consuming low-quality refined and poly-unsaturated oils that block the production of thyroxine and affect the communication between hormones and cells. Switch to cold-pressed, word-pressed, unrefined and natural oils for cooking instead.
  • Virgin coconut oil is a miracle oil that has been used for years to treat thyroid conditions. Unlike polyunsaturated fats which have long-chain fatty acids, pure virgin coconut oil is an MCT (Medium Chain Triglyceride). It metabolizes quickly and allows the conversion of fat into energy without stressing your liver out. It also converts your thyroid hormone T4 into T3 and stimulates, nourishes, and repairs your thyroid gland. It boosts your metabolic rate and aids the loss of abdominal and belly fat. Two to three tablespoons of coconut oil can help stimulate and repair your thyroid gland.
  • A trace mineral called selenium gets depleted especially when your thyroid gland is not functioning well. Apart from plant-based selenium supplements, you can also get selenium supplements from natural foods like nuts like almonds, walnuts, brazil nuts, and seeds like pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and so on.
  • Stay hydrated and flush out toxins. Drink two to three liters of water every day.
  • Move more. Brisk walk, jog, skip, swim – whatever suits you. Get at least 30 minutes of exercise every day.
  • Engage in pranayama and yoga asanas like Ustrasana, Bhujangasana, or Matsyasana. Studies suggest that those with a sedentary lifestyle have higher levels of TSH compared to those who exercised regularly.
  • Sleep deep to allow your body to detoxify, repair, and balance hormones.
  • Manage your deep-rooted emotional stress. While some cortisol is required for survival, reflexes, and other body functions, excess cortisol causes your thyroid gland to produce lesser thyroxine. This lowers your immunity-boosting hormone DHEA and affects your sex hormones leading to a hormonal imbalance in your body.

If you need help managing your hypothyroidism, our diet plan and consultation services can provide expert guidance and personalized solutions to help you achieve your health goals. Contact dietician Deepa Kabra today to book a consultation and start your journey towards better health.